Total Medals Earned: 1,079 (From 229 different games.) Total Medal Score: 12,120 Points
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/455 points)
Read the in-game help text.
Gain 10000 points in any stage.
Destroy a bomb in Stage 1-2
Complete stage 1-1
Play any song in the soundtest menu
Collect the laser power-up in stage 1-4
Destroy all the bad-dudes in stage 1-3
Complete the first stage.
Gain 25000 points in any stage.
Don't get hit by a single bullet in stage 1-7.
Destroy a Smiling Bomber using one of their own bombs in the second stage.
Gain 50000 points in any stage.
Protect all the balloons in the first stage.
Complete the second stage.
Protect all the balloons in the second stage.
Gain 100,000 points in any stage.
Complete the final stage.
Protect all the balloons in the final stage
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/16 (20/500 points)
Win a battle.
Use special action.
Win battles twice in a row.
Recruit a survivor.
Have a character wear an equipment set.
Craft 5 equipment upgrades.
Kill a mini boss.
Kill 300 zombies.
Craft 15 equipment upgrades.
Recruit all survivors.
Kill all mini bosses.
Finish chapter 2.
Finish the game.
Finish chapter 1.
Kill 800 zombies.
Reach party level 12.
Medals Earned: 2/48 (10/500 points)
Kill 100 enemies
Complete 1st mission
10 soldiers killed
Kill 3,000 enemies
Kill 6,000 enemies
Kill 150 archers
Loose the battle
Complete 6 missions with 3 stars in each
Break armor 150 times
Use Mind Control on 200 enemies
Check Credits and write author a few words
Curse 400 enemies
Kill 100 Darth Knights
Kill 10 enemies detonating bomberman
Receive 100,000 in gold
Kill 100 enemies using rogue class fighters
Cast Ice 400 times
Heal 5,000 damage
Kill 120 enemies using Flash strike
Kill 15 enemies with single shot
Kill 25 Ogres
Use poison 100 times
Protection cast 400 times
15 soldiers resurrected
Kill 1500 skeletons
Stun 200 enemies
Suffer 10,000 damage from enemies
Destroy the Undead Portal
Kill 50 Vampires
Kill 30 Witches
Kill 500 Zombies
Kill 10,000 enemies
50 soldiers killed
Deal 50,000 damage
Get 50 elite units
Complete 12 missions with 3 stars in each
Half game passed
Hire 600 units
Kill Ogre and receive no damage from him
Kill 400 enemies using Meteor
No soldier killed in the last mission
Upgrade soldier's class to maximum
Upgrade 300 units to tier2
Complete the game and kill the Undead King
Steal 10,000 gold
Complete 18 missions with 3 stars in each
Complete the game with 3 stars in each mission
Get 119 stars
Medals Earned: 1/2 (25/35 points)
Beat the game in miniature mode
Beat the game in enlarged mode
Medals Earned: 3/3 (35/35 points)
Play the FGF game.
Medals Earned: 2/20 (20/500 points)
Slay Betel
Vanquish Mogrimm
Destroy Nocxis
"Defeat" Zippelnum
Beat Salem
Beat Salem on New Game+ Mode
Annihilate Xil and the Black Obelisk
Beat the game on normal mode, in one sitting, without dying
Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/230 points)
Kill an enemy with an explosive barrel.
Slay 250 enemies.
Kill a Dark Mage before he summons any Skeletons.
Find and tame all six pets.
Completely max out one upgrade.
Defeat the Queen Slime.
3 Star all 3 Arenas.
Defeat every boss.
Collect every Star.
Defeat the final boss without taking damage.
Medals Earned: 3/7 (15/85 points)
Pick up some fuel
Pick up your Keys
Be possessed by the warped little boy
Pick up a battery
Be possessed by the warped little girl
Find a Map
Beat the game and unlock 'Slender Mode'
Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/500 points)
ice age scenario
Survive 14 days in a row.
Survive 3 months total
alien scenario
anarchy scenario
planet of the apes scenario
demon scenario
dragon scenario
goat scenario
nazi zombie scenario
nuclear war
magical island master
virus scenario
religion scenario
robot scenario
Zombie Scenario
Survive 1 year total
Survive 28 days in a row.
Survive 3 years total
Survive 50 days in a row.
Survive 100 days in a row.
Get 100,000 points.
Survive 5 years total
Survive 10 years total
Survive 150 days in a row.
Medals Earned: 2/7 (10/105 points)
He See You
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8 pages collected